Thursday, August 03, 2006

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

Let me start by saying that, we don't mean to only put stories up here that are more extreme or unusual, but let's be honest - it definitely makes for more interesting reading.

In light of which, we decided to go to watch the new Superman movie at the IMAX cinema in Hyderabad.

Once we had bought the tickets and had something to eat, we headed to the screen. As the cinema was an IMAX, it meant that the screen was massive...and it also meant that we were given 3-d glasses as we entered (something I was never given in a UK cinema) - every time the glasses logo came on screen, we were to put our glasses on and the images literally flew out at us. It certainly brought the film to life.

Another peculiarity of the Indian cinema experience, is that they have an interval half way through the film. The actor could be in mid sentence and the screen literally goes black, the sound is cut off, and the house lights go up. I (Gareth) had experienced this once before on a previous visit to India, however this time a very official looking man in uniform asked us all to leave the auditorium to allow the sniffer dogs in!

Although they assured us it was a routine drill, it turns out there had been an anonymous and, as it turns out, hoax (or bogus, for all you Americans) call that there was a bomb in the building. Every one of the 6 movie theatres in the building had to be evacuated.

To our relief we were allowed back in after about 25 minutes, but the experience certainly added a little more excitement to our cinematic experience than we had anticipated - and it made the front page of The Hindu Times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me mate - this aint exactly a quick update ! do you think we have nothing better to do with our time.