We're Back!
So we’re back home in India, after a whirlwind three weeks some of which saw us experience:
One dislocated knee, travel to four countries, seven cities, take around 10 flights (Scotland is of course included in these countries!) and sleep in 11 different beds (between us). Attend two weddings, be best man and sing at one of these weddings (Gareth and I respectively) and MC at the other.
Gavin & Natalie's wedding, near EdinburghHave an early celebration of our one-year wedding anniversary plus my brother and sister-in-laws pregnancy and nephew Noah’s first birthday. Organised by Andi’s parents, dinner was held in a candlelit private room in the hotel where we had our reception. A funny moment was our very cute nephew Noah, with fabulous pick pocketing skills quietly routing in my bag to be later found wandering around clutching a box full of tampons...
I (Andi) did a school presentation about my job and World Vision to 50 11-year olds in Glasgow organised by my niece Erin it went well, but the highlight for me were some of the questions they asked after which include: “How is your self esteem working for such a large organisation?” What???
Another goodie... “Do you feel your salary matches your lifestyle?” Okey dokey then, 11-year-olds going on 50.
We ate more three course meals than you can shake a stick at, (put on weight), visited many friends, a couple of fantastic BNO’s (if you were there you’ll understand), attend three different church services one of which I, Andi bumped into an old University friend, renewed visas and passports. Had meetings and worked, Andi in the World Vision UK office for a week and Gareth in both the States and then a few UK meetings - met/cuddled the two babies of friends for the first time.
‘Planes, trains and automobiles’ movie has nothing on us!
It was a really special, slightly exhausting time, but overall we achieved everything we needed to do with an occasional hitch along the way!
We unpacked the night we got back and some of the interesting items we collected on our travels include... Silver polish, a hard drive, liquorices, cous cous, green tea with lemon, leftover wedding confetti (spilt in the bag) DVD of the movies 'The Queen', 'Little Miss Sunshine' and the series 'Extras', other DVD’s/CD's, books, a knee strap, and some packets of sausage casserole mix and cheese sauce.
Waking up this morning I (Andi) had to remind myself we’re back in India, however the heat clearly confirmed this, we are not exaggerating when we say it is very, very hot. We had dinner with friends Saturday night in their home. The coolest place was their bedroom so we sat on their bed eating pizza and catching up, slightly weird but very comfortable.
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