On Our Travels
Well, it has been nice to be in Hyderabad for a prolonged period, but it all changes this week. Tomorrow Andi heads off to Thailand for a 10-day conference with World Vision Asia Pacific. She will be in Bangkok for meetings and final conf planning for the first few days and then off to Pattaya for the remainder of the time where she will be speaking at a few seminars and planning a disaster simulation in the field for the teams involved. She'll then have about two weeks back home in Hyderabad before heading off to another conference, this time in Chennai, India for just over a week.
On Thursday, I (Gareth) get the evening train to Bangalore (which takes 12 hours) to visit some of my colleagues and also attend a wedding, which is actually in another state called Kerala (I'll be going there by bus...6 hours), before heading back to Bangalore and then home to Hyderabad early next week. (At least this trip cuts down the number of nights I have to cook for myself!)
Yep i know what the travelling like just been in Joburg, next dakar then Sierra leone then Mali argh.
Safe travels
P.S how did you do the weather thing looks cool.
Thanks mate. The weather thing is from AccuWeather.com - it's really simple to set up too.
Saw the pics from SA - looked amazing. Nice to see Candy too!
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