Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hairy Krishna


Many of you will be delighted to know that I (Gareth) have decided to grow my hair back. Keep checking out the website for updates.



Spearsy said...

Yes go for it, im also attempting the long hair thing. Sengelese only seem to have one cut - grade one....and i dont think im up for one of those.

I went to barbers on my last visit and he told the other 4 customers to leave as "this would take some time" then set about hacking at my head with the clippers only !

Enjoy the festivals sounds fun

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Gareth....unless you really want to be Kenny's twin?!

Well, at least when it gets really hot you could try the turban twist...

The Russells said...

Kenny is a legend. I too will be a legend. G

jas said...

Sorry was that 'grow your hair back' or 'grow your back hair'? Much prefer the latter.